dimanche 17 décembre 2023

Theory of Everything


Theory of Everything
E8 is a 248 dimensional surface .
E8 is also called a Lie group. Each different direction on the surface corresponds to a different kind of elementary particle that can exist. For example, one kind of particle is an electron, which actually has eight different varieties: left or right handed, spin up or spin down, and particle or anti-particle. These correspond to eight different directions inside E8. The directions, inside the E8 surface all twist around each other. You can plot the number of twists around several different internal directions at once, corresponding to different kinds of charge that particles have, including electric charge, weak charge, strong charge, and spin. Each kind of elementary particle corresponds to a different direction in E8, with different twist numbers. When you plot all the different charges (twists) of all the different particles, they make pretty patterns.

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