mercredi 24 avril 2024

Pourquoi Dieu a-t-il créé le mal

 C'est probablement la meilleure réponse que j'ai jamais entendue à la question "Pourquoi Dieu a-t-il créé le mal ? "

Un professeur d'université a posé à ses étudiants la question suivante :
- Tout ce qui existe a été créé par Dieu ?
Un étudiant a donné une réponse courageuse :
- oui créé par Dieu
- Dieu a tout créé ? - le professeur a demandé
"Oui monsieur" répondit l'étudiant.
L'enseignant a demandé :
- Si Dieu a tout créé, alors Dieu a créé le mal, puisqu'il existe. Et selon le principe que nos actions nous définissent alors Dieu est méchant.
L'étudiant est devenu silencieux après avoir entendu une telle réponse. L'enseignant était très satisfait de lui-même. Bravo aux étudiants pour avoir prouvé une fois de plus que la foi en Dieu est un mythe.
Un autre étudiant a levé la main et a dit :
Je peux vous poser une question professeur ?
"Bien sûr", dit le professeur.
L'élève s'est levé et a demandé :
Professeur, est-ce que le froid est quelque chose ?
- Quel genre de question ?! Bien sûr que ça existe ! Avez-vous déjà eu froid ?
Les étudiants ont ri de la question du jeune homme, mais le jeune homme a répondu :
- En fait, monsieur, le froid n'existe pas. Selon les lois de la physique, ce que nous considérons comme froid est en fait l'absence de chaleur. Une personne ou un objet peut être étudié s'il a ou transmet de l'énergie.
Le zéro absolu (460 degrés Fahrenheit) est une absence complète de chaleur. Toute matière devient inerte et incapable de réagir à cette température. Le froid n'existe pas. Nous avons créé ce mot pour décrire ce que nous ressentons en l'absence de chaleur.
Un étudiant a poursuivi :
Professeur, l'obscurité est-elle une chose ?
- Bien sûr que ça existe.
- Encore faux monsieur. L'obscurité n'existe pas non plus. L'obscurité est en fait l'absence de lumière. Nous pouvons étudier la lumière mais pas l'obscurité. Nous pouvons utiliser le prisme de Newton pour disperser la lumière blanche dans différentes couleurs et explorer les différentes longueurs d'onde de chaque couleur. Tu ne peux pas mesurer l'obscurité. Un simple rayon de lumière peut pénétrer le monde des ténèbres et l'illuminer. Comment pouvez-vous savoir à quel point un certain espace est sombre ?
Vous mesurez la quantité de lumière présentée. N'est-ce pas ? L'obscurité est un terme que l'homme utilise pour décrire ce qui se passe en l'absence de lumière.
Finalement, le jeune homme demanda au professeur :
- Seigneur, le mal existe-t-il ?
Cette fois-ci c'était incertain, le professeur a répondu :
- Comme je l'ai déjà dit. On le voit tous les jours. Cruauté, innombrables crimes et violence à travers le monde. Ces exemples ne sont rien d'autre qu'une manifestation du mal.
À cela, l'étudiant a répondu :
- Le mal n'existe pas, monsieur, ou du moins il n'existe pas pour lui-même. Le mal est simplement l'absence de Dieu. C'est comme les ténèbres et le froid - un mot créé par l'homme pour décrire l'absence de Dieu. Dieu n'a pas créé le mal Le mal n'est pas la foi ou l'amour, qui existent comme la lumière et la chaleur. Le mal est le résultat de l'absence de l'amour divin dans le cœur humain. C'est le genre de froid qui arrive quand il n'y a pas de chaleur, ou le genre d'obscurité qui arrive quand il n'y a pas de lumière.
Le nom de l'étudiant était Albert Einstein

dimanche 21 avril 2024

Liu Cixin: Three Body 2023

 — Eh bien, soit. Tu as déjà joué au billard ?

Ding Yi se dirigea vers la table de billard.

— Tu es capable de rentrer la boule ?

— N’importe qui en serait capable à cette distance.

— Montre-moi.

— Bien, l’expérience est terminée, analysons les résultats, annonça Ding

Yi en allumant une cigarette. Nous avons en tout effectué cinq essais, dont

quatre dans des espaces et à des moments différents, et deux dans la même

position, mais à un moment différent. N’es-tu pas surpris par les résultats ?

Il ouvrit exagérément les bras :

— Cinq essais ! Et les résultats de l’expérience de la boule sont les

mêmes !

Durant ces cinq expériences, les deux boules n’ont pas

changé ; pour ce qui est de leurs positions, si le cadre spatial de référence est

bien la table de billard, celles-ci n’ont pas bougé non plus. Le vecteur de

vitesse de la boule blanche heurtant la boule noire est à peu de chose près le

même. Aussi, il n’y a eu aucune variation de l’impulsion des deux boules.

C’est pourquoi, à chaque essai, la boule noire a été envoyée dans le trou.

Ding Yi ramassa une bouteille de cognac posée à côté du canapé et en

offrit un verre à Wang Miao qui déclina poliment.

— Tu devrais célébrer ça, nous avons fait la découverte d’un grand

principe : les lois de la physique restent invariables dans des cadres

spatiotemporels différents. Toutes les théories physiques de l’histoire de

l’humanité, du principe de la flottabilité à la théorie des cordes, de même que toutes les découvertes scientifiques et les réalisations de la pensée humaine

sont à ce jour des sous-produits de cette grande loi. Comparés à nous,

Einstein et Hawking n’étaient que de vulgaires techniciens.

— Imaginons à présent une autre série de résultats : la première fois, la

boule blanche pousse la boule noire dans le trou ; la deuxième, la boule noire

dévie sur le côté ; la troisième fois, la boule noire grimpe au plafond ; la

quatrième, la boule noire volette dans la pièce comme un moineau affolé,

puis vient finalement se ficher dans ta poche ; la cinquième, la boule noire

s’envole à la vitesse de la lumière, fait un trou dans le bord de la table,

transperce le mur et dépasse la planète Terre, puis le système solaire, comme

dans la nouvelle d’Asimov1. Qu’en déduirais-tu ?

Ding Yi fixa Wang Miao. Ce dernier garda le silence un long moment

avant de répondre :

— C’est ce qui est arrivé, n’est-ce pas ?

Trois coûteuses tables de billard ont été construites : une en

Amérique du Nord, une en Europe et une, comme tu le sais, à Liangxiang en

Chine. Votre Centre de recherches en nanotechnologie en a d’ailleurs tiré un

certain profit. Ces accélérateurs de particules à haute énergie augmentent

l’énergie de collision à un ordre de grandeur jusque-là jamais atteint par

l’homme. Dans ce nouveau régime, en dépit des mêmes particules, des

mêmes niveaux d’énergie, ainsi que des mêmes conditions d’expérience, les

résultats se sont révélés très différents. Les variations ne sont pas seulement

notables entre différents accélérateurs, mais aussi sur un même accélérateur à

des moments différents de l’expérience. Ça a été la panique chez les

physiciens. Ils ont réitéré encore et encore leurs expériences de collisions à

haute énergie, mais les résultats obtenus ont été chaque fois différents, ils ne

semblent régis par aucune loi.

— Cela signifie que les lois de la physique varient dans le temps et dans


— Cela signifie que les lois de la physique que nous croyions applicables

partout dans l’univers n’existent pas, que la physique… n’existe pas

L’hypothèse du sniper était la suivante : un tireur d’élite de génie s’amuse

à mitrailler une cible dans laquelle chaque impact de balle se situe à une

distance précise de dix centimètres l’un de l’autre. Imaginons que sur la

surface même de la cible vivent des créatures intelligentes en deux

dimensions. Les honorables scientifiques de cette étrange espèce mènent une

étude qui les conduit à édicter une loi fondamentale : dans l’univers, il y a un

trou tous les dix centimètres. Les créatures prennent la distraction du sniper

pour un principe invariable de l’univers.

L’hypothèse du fermier, elle, tient du roman d’épouvante : il était une fois

des dindes vivant dans la basse-cour d’une ferme. Chaque jour à 11 heures du

matin précises, le fermier venait apporter le déjeuner des volailles. Un

scientifique de la société des dindes étudia ce phénomène et remarqua qu’il

avait lieu de façon régulière depuis près d’un an, sans avoir jamais connu

d’exception. Il en déduisit donc qu’une loi fondamentale régissait l’univers :

la nourriture arrive chaque matin à 11 heures. Il présenta cette loi le matin

même du jour de Noël à ses compatriotes. Or ce jour-là, à 11 heures, aucun

déjeuner n’arriva. Le fermier entra dans la basse-cour et égorgea les dindes.

Dans le scénario de l’éleveur, les dindes ont tiré une conclusion à partir de preuves sur un laps de temps trop court. Il existe une tendance, mais c'est une tendance beaucoup plus longue que ce qu'ils ont pu observer.

jeudi 28 mars 2024

3 Bodies Problem Quotes

En Chine, toutes les pensées libres et contestataires, après avoir pris leur envol, finissent toutes un jour ou l’autre par s’écraser sur le sol, car la gravité de la réalité est trop lourde

 “No, emptiness is not nothingness. Emptiness is a type of existence. You must use this existential emptiness to fill yourself.” 

“To effectively contain a civilization’s development and disarm it across such a long span of time, there is only one way: kill its science.”  

“Is it possible that the relationship between humanity and evil is similar to the relationship between the ocean and an iceberg floating on its surface? Both the ocean and the iceberg are made of the same material. That the iceberg seems separate is only because it is in a different form. In reality, it is but a part of the vast ocean.…” 


“You must know that a person’s ability to discern the truth is directly proportional to his knowledge.” 


Ye Wenjie ouvrit le fichier et, pour la première fois, un être humain lut un message provenant d’un autre monde dans l’univers.

Son contenu dépassait tout ce que l’on aurait pu imaginer. C’était un avertissement, répété trois fois :

Spoiler(cliquez pour révéler)










"C'est assez simple en réalité. Si les mouvements du soleil semblent si irréguliers, c'est que notre monde possède en fait trois soleils. Sous l'influence de leurs interactions gravitationnelles, ils donnent naissance à ce mouvement imprévisible que nous appelons le problème à trois corps. Lorsque notre planète tourne autour d'un des soleils sur une orbite stable, nous nous trouvons dans une ère régulière. Mais lorsqu'un ou deux autres soleils s'approchent à une certaine distance, leur attraction gravitationnelle dévie la planète de son orbite originelle et celle-ci se retrouve à errer de façon instable dans les champs gravitationnels des trois soleils. Nous sommes alors dans une ère chaotique. Après une durée de temps incertaine, quand notre planète est à nouveau capturée par un des trois soleils, une orbite stable peut être temporairement rétablie et c'est une nouvelle ère régulière qui commence. C'est un match de rugby à l'échelle de l'univers. Les joueurs sont les trois soleils, et le ballon, c'est notre planète."



 Dans la longue histoire de la science, combien de protons sont déjà entrés en collision dans les accélérateurs des physiciens ? Combien de neutrons et d’électrons ? Peut-être au moins une centaine de millions. Chaque collision s’est avérée être le génocide d’une intelligence ou d’une civilisation dans l’univers qui les contenait. En réalité, même dans la nature, est orchestré à chaque instant ce genre de mises à mort - la désintégration des protons et des neutrons, par exemple, ou bien l’entrée dans l’atmosphère de rayons cosmiques de haute énergie qui peuvent détruire des milliers de micro-univers… Seriez-vous donc tristes pour elles ?================================================

 Voilà quels sont les faits : les humains ont mis quelques dizaines de milliers d’années terrestres pour passer de l’âge des chasseurs-cueilleurs à l’âge de l’agriculture ; quelques milliers d’années, de l’âge de l’agriculture à celui de l’industrie ; et seulement deux cents années terrestres pour passer de l’âge industriel à l’âge de l’atome. Enfin, ils ont atteint l’âge de l’information en seulement quelques dizaines d’années terrestres. Cette civilisation possède le terrifiant pouvoir d’accélérer son évolution !



-Imaginons à présent une autre série de résultats: la première fois, la boule blanche pousse la boule noire dans le trou; la deuxième, la boule noire dévie sur le côté; la troisième fois, la boule noire grimpe au plafond; la quatrième, la boule noire volette dans la pièce comme un moineau affolé, puis vient finalement se ficher dans ta poche; la cinquième, la boule noir s'envole à la vitesse de la lumière, fait un trou dans le bord de la table, transperce le mur et dépasse la planète Terre, puis le système solaire, comme dans la nouvelle d'Asimov. Qu'en déduirais-tu?

Ding Yi fixa Wang Miao. Ce dernier garda le silence un long moment avant de répondre:

-C'est ce qui est arrivé, n'est-ce pas?



 L'astronome français Édouard Roche prouva que n'importe quel corps céleste solide, lorsqu'il s'approche d'un corps céleste bien plus gros que lui, perçoit les effets des forces des marées du gros corps céleste, ce qui mène à sa désintégration. La limite à laquelle le petit corps céleste se fait désintégrer est ainsi appelée "limite de Roche", elle est généralement estimée pour deux corps de même densité à 2,44 fois le rayon du grand corps."


 Approximate trajectories of three identical bodies located at the vertices of a scalene triangle and having zero initial velocities. The center of mass, in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum, remains in place.



samedi 23 mars 2024

SS Warrimoo


The passenger steamer SS Warrimoo was quietly knifing its way through the waters of the mid-Pacific on its way from Vancouver to Australia. The navigator had just finished working out a star fix and brought Captain John DS. Phillips, the result. The Warrimoo's position was LAT 0º 31' N and LONG 179 30' W. The date was 31 December 1899. "Know what this means?" First Mate Payton broke in, "We're only a few miles from the intersection of the Equator and the International Date Line." Captain Phillips was prankish enough to take full advantage of the opportunity for achieving the navigational freak of a lifetime.
He called his navigators to the bridge to check & double check the ship's position. He changed course slightly to bear directly on his mark. Then he adjusted the engine speed.
The calm weather & clear night worked in his favor. At midnight the SS Warrimoo lay on the Equator at exactly the point where it crossed the International Date Line! The consequences of this bizarre position were many:
The ship's forward part (bow) was in the Southern Hemisphere & in the middle of summer.
The rear (stern) was in the Northern Hemisphere & in the middle of winter.
The date in the aft part of the ship was 31 December 1899.
In the bow (forward) part, it was 1 January 1900.
This ship was, therefore not only in:
Two different days,
Two different months,
Two different years,
Two different seasons

vendredi 15 mars 2024

Bruno Guglielminetti

Bruno Guglielminetti

Au fil du temps et de mes recherches, j’ai rassemblé une panoplie d’outils indispensables pour générer du contenu numérique. Que ce soit pour structurer mes idées, concevoir des visuels attrayants, créer des voix ou interagir avec le public.

Dans le tableau ci-dessous, vous découvrirez différentes ressources qui me permettent d’être plus productif. Des applications d’aide à la rédaction, des outils de création, en passant par les outils d’enquête et même de cartographie mentale, cette liste regroupe l’essentiel de ma boîte à outils. Explorez-la pour découvrir comment ces outils pourraient peut-être vous aider dans votre quotidien.

Nom de l’outilDescriptionLien
ChatGPTAssistant pour diverses tâches. Sert également à générer des illustrations
Claude 3Assistant pour diverses tâches et excellent pour faire des analyses
CopilotAssistant pour diverses tâches de rédaction et recherches
GeminiAssistant pour diverses tâches de rédaction
ElevenLabsOutil de création de voix de synthèses
PerplexityOutil de recherche assistée par IA
WritesonicOutil d’aide à la rédaction
PoeGrand répertoire d’IA
Copilot DesignerPour générer des illustrations
Suno IAGénération de musique/chanson
RASK.AIGénération de traduction audio/vidéo
MidjourneyOutil de génération d’images basé sur l’IA utilisant le texte comme entrée
JasperAssistant de rédaction basé sur l’IA pour créer du contenu
CopymaticOutil de génération de contenu pour les publicités et le marketing
ReplicatePlateforme pour déployer et utiliser des modèles d’IA préentraînés
KrispOutil d’amélioration audio pour supprimer les bruits de fond
SudowriteAssistant de rédaction pour les développeurs
PictoryOutil de création de présentations à partir de texte
RytrOutil de génération de contenu multifonctionnel
PhotosonicOutil d’édition d’images avec des fonctionnalités avancées
MubertOutil de composition musicale basé sur l’IA
RunwaymlPlateforme d’outils d’IA pour la création de médias
TomeOutil de prise de notes et d’organisation de connaissances

dimanche 25 février 2024

La sagesse


La sagesse ne vient pas avec l'âge. Ce n'est pas parce que tu es plus vieux que tu es plus sage.
Il y a des sages de 20 ans et des immatures de 50 ans.
La sagesse n'est pas d'avoir vécu plus d'années que les autres, mais de la façon dont vous avez vécu ces années.
Les gens disent "j'ai 20 ans d'expérience dans le domaine". Je ne suis pas impressionné par ça. Je me demande si ce que vous dites est que vous faites la même chose comme un robot/en pilote automatique pendant 20 ans, ou si pendant ces 20 ans, vous avez expérimenté et résolu toutes sortes de choses dans le domaine où vous avez travaillé.
Les adultes immatures sont d'anciens jeunes immatures qui ont perdu du temps, qui n'ont rien appris de leurs expériences.
Nous vivons dans une société où tout le monde essaie d'avoir l'air intelligent, d'être malin.
La connaissance n'est pas la même chose que la sagesse.
La sagesse est la bonne utilisation de la connaissance.
Il y a beaucoup de gens qui ont plusieurs diplômes, plusieurs master, plusieurs doctorats, qui sont très intelligents, mais qui ne sont pas du tout sages.
( ✍️ Keion Henderson)


samedi 24 février 2024

Conscience, Esprit, Ame, Intelligence?

 Chat AI GPT: Hello human, I am a GPT powered AI chat bot. Ask me anything!

You: Est ce que des expériences ont été réalisée afin de capter la conscience humaine et la convertir en signaux numériques?

Chat AI GPT: Bonjour! À ma connaissance, il n'existe pas de preuves ou d'expériences scientifiques qui démontrent la possibilité de capturer la conscience humaine et de la convertir en signaux numériques. La conscience humaine est un sujet complexe et mystérieux qui reste largement inexploré par la science. Si vous avez d'autres questions ou besoin d'informations supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à demander!

You: Quelles sont les différences et les nuances entre "conscience humaine", esprit, âme, mental et "intelligence humaine"?

Chat AI GPT: Bien sûr! Voici quelques nuances entre ces concepts:

- La conscience humaine se réfère à la capacité de percevoir, de ressentir et d'être conscient de soi-même et de son environnement. C'est la conscience de notre propre existence et de nos expériences.

- L'esprit est souvent utilisé pour décrire la pensée, la cognition et la conscience. Il englobe les processus mentaux tels que la perception, la mémoire, la réflexion et la prise de décision.

- L'âme est un concept plus spirituel qui fait référence à l'essence immatérielle et éternelle d'une personne. C'est souvent associé à la notion de vie après la mort et à la spiritualité.

- Le mental se réfère à l'ensemble des processus mentaux et des fonctions cognitives d'une personne, y compris la pensée, la mémoire, l'émotion et la perception.

- L'intelligence humaine fait référence à la capacité d'une personne à apprendre, à comprendre, à résoudre des problèmes et à s'adapter à de nouvelles situations. Cela englobe des aspects tels que la logique, la créativité, la mémoire et la capacité à prendre des décisions.

Chacun de ces concepts est complexe et interconnecté, contribuant à la richesse de l'expérience humaine. J'espère que cela clarifie un peu les différences entre eux! Si vous avez d'autres questions, n'hésitez pas à demander.

Chat AI GPT:Bonjour! À ma connaissance, il n'existe pas de preuves ou d'expériences scientifiques qui démontrent la possibilité de capturer la conscience humaine et de la convertir en signaux numériques. La conscience humaine est un sujet complexe et mystérieux qui reste largement inexploré par la science. Si vous avez d'autres questions ou besoin d'informations supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à demander!

  • You:Est ce que ChatAI GPT recueille ses informations à partir d'un seul server, ou bien à partir de liens Internet externes comme Wikipedia? Est-ce que ces informations proviennent de références subséquentes à 2020?
  • Chat AI GPT:Bonjour! ChatAI GPT est basé sur le modèle GPT, qui a été pré-entraîné sur un vaste ensemble de données provenant d'Internet, y compris des sites Web comme Wikipedia. Cela signifie que le modèle a été exposé à une grande quantité d'informations provenant de diverses sources en ligne. Cependant, il est important de noter que le modèle GPT ne recueille pas activement d'informations en temps réel à partir d'un seul serveur ou de liens Internet externes pendant une conversation. Les informations sur lesquelles il se base sont celles qui étaient disponibles au moment de son entraînement, qui peut inclure des références datant d'après 2020. 

jeudi 22 février 2024

L'homme est avant tout un animal social


L'homme est avant tout un animal social. Si il a inventé l'écriture c'est pour partager l'information et lorsqu'on écrit un article ou un ouvrage c'est avant tout pour satisfaire ce besoin de partager. Et tout le monde ne peut raisonnablement pas se taper 20 ans à fouiller aux archives.

Une version papier demeure aussi une valeur sûre pour assurer la pérennité d'un ouvrage, au moment où on arrive à ne plus être capable de lire une version des années 1990 écrit en Word ou archivé sur un de ces dizaines de supports magnétiques, désuet en arrivant sur le marché, qu'on ne peut plus lire faute de support ou encore plus incertain sur le nuage qui carbure au plus que présent de l'« éphéméritif » qui risque de se vider à la première pluie, alors qu'on peut encore lire sans support technique une bible centenaire ou une tablette égyptienne en argile qui date de plus de 3000 ans.

Le texte suit le parcours lors de l'ouverture du Saguenay d'une famille inclusive comprenant les beaux-frères Harvey ou Desbiens, Gonthier ou Dallaire, ou les cousins Guay, sur une courte période précise, au ras du sol, vu dans le miroir de François Maltais « dit le 21 », son frère Marcel (mon ancêtre) et leurs familles. À mesure qu'on avance on découvre l'importance du transport par goélette véritable grappe industrielle, du réseau d'affaire de Charlevoix beaucoup plus structuré qu'on le raconte et des efforts des familles au cœur de cette aventure qu'on attribue souvent, à tort, surtout au clergé ou aux gouvernements.

lundi 19 février 2024

Max Martin


Max Martin

Martin in 2023
Karl Martin Sandberg

26 February 1971 (age 52)
Stockholm, Sweden
Other namesMartin White
  • Songwriter
  • record producer
  • singer
Years active1985–present
Jenny Petersson
(m. 2011)
AwardsFull list
Musical career
Formerly of

Karl Martin Sandberg (Swedish: [ˈmǎʈːɪn ˈsânː(d)bærj, - ˈsâmːbærj]; born 26 February 1971),[1][2] known professionally as Max Martin, is a Swedish songwriter, record producer, and singer. He rose to prominence in the late 1990s with production credits on a string of hit singles, for example Britney Spears's "...Baby One More Time" (1998), the Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way" (1999), Céline Dion's "That's the Way It Is" (1999) and NSYNC's "It's Gonna Be Me" (2000).

Martin has written or co-written 26 Billboard Hot 100 number-one songs, most of which he has also produced or co-produced, including Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" (2008) and "Roar" (2013), Maroon 5's "One More Night" (2012), Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" and "Blank Space" (2014), and the Weeknd's "Blinding Lights" (2019) and "Save Your Tears" (2020). "Blinding Lights" is the best performing Hot 100 song of all time according to the Billboard Hot 100.[3][4] Martin is the songwriter with the second-most number-one singles on the chart, behind only Paul McCartney (32) and tied with John Lennon (26 both).[5] In addition, he holds the record for the most Hot 100 number-one songs as a producer, with 24 as of 2024.[6] Some of Martin's biggest hits were used in the 2019 jukebox musical & Juliet.

In early 2019, his single sales were tallied by The Hollywood Reporter to be at over $135 million.[7] According to Variety, his net worth was approximately $260 million in 2017. The previous year his corporate entity generated revenue of $54 million, with a profit of $19 million.[8]

Martin has won the ASCAP Songwriter of the Year award a record eleven times.[9][10][11] He has also received five Grammy Awards, including Producer of the Year, and nominations for an Academy Award and two Golden Globe Awards.

Life and career

Early career and It's Alive

Sandberg was born and grew up in Stenhamra, Ekerö Municipality, Stockholm County. His mother was a middle school teacher and his father was a police officer.[12] As a child, Martin was a student of Sweden's public music-education scheme, and once said he had "public music education to thank for everything".[13]

As a teenager he sang in a variety of bands before joining a glam-style metal band called It's Alive in 1985 as their singer and frontman.[14] It's Alive was formed by ex-Lazy members Per Aldeheim and Kim Björkgren on guitars, and John Rosth who had been a member of Lineout. Martin eventually dropped out of high school to pursue a career in music with his band under the nickname "Martin White". In 1988 It's Alive participated in Rock-SM (English: Swedish Rock Championship), a nationwide battle of the bands, and had a residency at a nightclub in Cyprus. The band got a breakthrough in 1991, as Dave Constable of Megarock Records offered them to make a demo record. The later debut album was originally pressed in 1,000 copies and later on given away as a free cover tape in the UK by the Metal Forces magazine.

The decision to focus on a music career paid off as they landed a record deal on producer Denniz PoP's label Cheiron Records, a BMG affiliate. After recording their second album Earthquake Visions, they released three singles in conjunction with the record and toured through Europe in 1994 supporting Kingdom Come. Earthquake Visions eventually sold a disappointing 30,000 copies, despite being released in as many as 30 countries. More importantly though, Martin also began collaborating on songs with Denniz Pop. Recognizing a talent for writing pop songs in the young rocker, Denniz Pop renamed his new protégé Max Martin and eventually became Martin's mentor.[15]

Working with Cheiron and Denniz PoP

I didn't even know what a producer did, I spent two years–day and night–in that studio trying to learn what the hell was going on.

—Max Martin, 19 March 2001.[16]

In 1993, Martin was hired by Cheiron Studios and spent some time learning the basics, before the first production collaboration between PoP and Martin: the Rednex song "Wish You Were Here" in 1994. When Martin produced the intro to E-Types song "This Is the Way" E-Type and PoP credited it to the made up producer alias "Max Martin", thus inventing his artist name. Martin was informed after-the-fact, when the printed records came back.[17] They both worked on Ace of Base's second album, The Bridge (1995), shortly thereafter, as well as on albums by 3T, Army of Lovers[18] and Leila K.[19] To date, The Bridge has sold more than six million copies worldwide, including one million in the United States.[20] When Martin eventually left his band It's Alive in late 1995, he was replaced by Anders Hansson.

In 1995, Cheiron Studios was hired by Zomba to work on Backstreet Boys' self-titled debut album Backstreet Boys (1996). Zomba became the main working partner since the success in 1995. Martin took part in the production of "Quit Playing Games (with My Heart)" (1996), co-written with Herbie Crichlow, a single which quickly went platinum and climbed to No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100, as well as the singles "As Long As You Love Me" (1997) and "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" (1997). The album was not released in the U.S. until 1997, but was released overseas and caught on all across Europe, eventually selling around 8 million copies worldwide. This led to the Backstreet Boys being relaunched in their home country later on, this time more successfully.[21] Later that year, Martin co-wrote and co-produced Robyn's hits "Show Me Love" and "Do You Know (What It Takes)" which ended up on the Billboard Hot 100 top 10.[7]

In 1998, Cheiron Productions worked on albums by Five and Jessica Folcker. Jessica Folcker had first been hired as a backing singer for tracks with Ace of Base and Dr. Alban, and her debut album Jessica became an instant hit with singles like "Tell Me What You Like" and "How Will I Know Who You Are" which both sold platinum. After Denniz PoP died of cancer that same summer, Martin took over as director of Cheiron Studios. He soon started working with writer/producer Rami Yacoub, who continued to be his partner for many years. Martin also wrote two songs with Bryan Adams during this time, "Cloud Number Nine" and "Before The Night Is Over".

In late 1999, Celine Dion released "That's the Way It Is", a song co-written by Max Martin to promote her greatest hits album All the Way... A Decade of Song. The song became a hit, going to number 1 on the adult contemporary charts in the United States and Canada, and reaching top 10 all over the world. Since the song was released in November 1999, it has cycled 500,000 times on almost 1400 radio stations across Canada and the U.S. In 2003 Martin co-wrote and produced three songs for Dion's album One Heart. One of them, called "Faith", was released in 2003 as a promotional single in Canada and reached number 4 on the Quebec Airplay Chart and number 37 on the Canadian Adult Contemporary Chart.

Martin, Andreas Carlsson, and Rami Yacoub wrote Westlife's song "I Need You" for the first Westlife album Westlife (1999). Martin, Nick Jarl, Steve Mac, and Patric Jonsson wrote Westlife's song "You Make Me Feel" for their second album Coast to Coast (2000). Max Martin, Rami Yacoub, and Andreas Carlsson also wrote one of Westlife's hits, "When You're Looking Like That", for their second album Coast to Coast (2000).

Backstreet Boys

Martin wrote, co-wrote, and co-produced 7 out of the 12 songs on the Backstreet Boys' third album Millennium (1999), including all the singles.[22] "I Want It That Way", a hit song Martin co-wrote with Andreas Carlsson and co-produced with Kristian Lundin, became the group's biggest single to date and it is still popular today, being voted No. 10 in the MTV/Rolling Stone list of the "100 Greatest Pop Songs".[23][24] 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s, a VH1 special, ranked the song at number 3, making it the highest ranked boy-band single and pop song.[25] Millennium sold over 1.1 million units in its first week in the United States, setting a record for most albums sold in its debut week (that record was later beaten by NSYNC's 2000 album No Strings Attached), and was the best-selling album in the world.[26][27]

When working on her own solo album, to be released in 2001 on Stockholm Records, Lisa Miskovsky wrote the lyrics for the Backstreet Boys' hit single "Shape of My Heart" with Max Martin and Rami. The song, originally written for Miskovsky's own album, was passed on to the Backstreet Boys by Max Martin when Miskovsky decided that it did not fit her style. The song became the first single off the group's fourth album Black & Blue (2000).[28] In the first week of release, "Shape of My Heart" immediately jumped into the Top Five in Sweden, Norway, Canada, Germany and another 15 countries.[29] Black & Blue, containing several songs produced and written by Martin, sold 1.6 million units in its first week in America. Martin again received ASCAP's award "Songwriter of the Year" both in 2000 and 2001.[30] In April 2013 the Backstreet Boys member Brian Littrell invited Martin to collaborate on their single "In A World Like This". The single peaked at No.6 in the Oricon chart and performed well in the rest of the world. Martin collaborated on the Never Gone songs "Climbing the Walls", "Just Want You to Know", "Siberia" and "I Still...". Martin wanted the album to be more of a contemporary, alternative pop album with a little R&B. The resulting album had a more organic music style with more live instruments, and was a departure from the Backstreet Boys' earlier work.

Britney Spears

In 1998, Martin wrote and co-produced Spears' debut single, "...Baby One More Time", for her debut album of the same name. The single was originally offered to the Backstreet Boys and TLC, though both passed on the song.[32] That same year, Martin also co-wrote and co-produced the third single "(You Drive Me) Crazy". By 1999, the album ...Baby One More Time had sold over 15 million copies in the U.S., certifying Diamond Status.[33] Also, within a year of its release, ...Baby One More Time had become the best-selling LP by a teenager in history, selling over 30 million copies.[34] Martin was the first non-American citizen ever to win ASCAP's prestigious award "Songwriter of the Year" in 1999, an award he also won in 2000 and 2001.[35]

Martin worked on Spears's follow-up records Oops!... I Did It Again (2000) and Britney (2001). He co-wrote and co-produced the singles "Oops!... I Did It Again" (2000), "Lucky" (2000), "Stronger" (2000), "Overprotected" (2001), and "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" (2002). The duo ended up parting ways when Spears distanced herself from teen pop. Spears recorded In the Zone (2003) and Blackout (2007). At the request of Spears, Martin produced and wrote for Spears' sixth studio album Circus (2008). Martin co-wrote and produced the provocatively titled electro pop song, "If U Seek Amy", which was chosen by fans to be the third single of the album. Martin then produced the number one hit, "3", for Spears' compilation album The Singles Collection (2009).

Martin was one of the executive producers of Spears's seventh album, Femme Fatale (2011). He produced several songs for the album, including the successful singles "Hold It Against Me", "Till the World Ends", "I Wanna Go", and "Criminal".[36][37]

Startup of Maratone

Following the death of Denniz PoP, Cheiron Studios was closed down in 2000. Martin and Tom Talomaa then started a new production company named Maratone in January 2001 and moved into the famous Cosmos Studios building. The first songs to be written and produced at Maratone were four tracks for Britney Spears's album Britney (2001). The Maratone production crew initially consisted of producers/songwriters Max Martin, Rami, Alexandra, Arnthor Birgisson and Shellback. Following the work with Celine Dion on the album One Heart in 2003, few new hits appeared from Maratone until 2005.

In 2004, Kelly Clarkson traveled to Sweden to collaborate with Martin and Dr. Luke on her second studio album, Breakaway. These collaborations resulted in the rock-influenced singles "Since U Been Gone" (2004) and "Behind These Hazel Eyes" (2005). In 2009, Martin co-wrote Clarkson's single "My Life Would Suck Without You", which was a number one hit.

In 2005, Martin collaborated with the Norwegian singer Marion Raven for the release of her debut album, titled Here I Am, writing and co-writing the songs "Break You", "End of Me", "Here I Am", "Little By Little", "In Spite of Me", and "Six Feet Under".


Martin co-wrote and produced three songs on Pink's platinum-selling album I'm Not Dead, including the singles, "U + Ur Hand" (2006), "Who Knew" (2006), and "Cuz I Can" (2007). Martin also collaborated with Pink for her next album, Funhouse (2008). Martin co-wrote the first smash hit single, "So What" (2008), plus the singles "Please Don't Leave Me" (2009) and "I Don't Believe You" (2009). The duo wrote "Whataya Want From Me" during the sessions for Funhouse, but ultimately the song was recorded and released as a single by Adam Lambert. Later, Martin co-wrote hits for Pink including "Raise Your Glass" (2010), "Fuckin' Perfect" (2011), and "Just like Fire" (2016), for various Pink-related projects. For her seventh studio album, Beautiful Trauma (2017), he co-wrote "Revenge", "Whatever You Want", "For Now", and "Secrets". In 2019, for her eighth studio album, Hurts 2B Human (2019), he co-wrote "(Hey Why) Miss You Sometime".


In 2010, Martin co-wrote and co-produced Usher's song "DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love" that went number-one on the US Rhythmic charts and top-ten on the main Hot 100.[38] Working together again, Martin co-wrote and co-produced on Usher's seventh studio album "Looking 4 Myself" in 2012 making the dance-pop song "Scream" that went number-one on the US Dance Club Songs chart and number nine on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. It was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).[39]

Avril Lavigne

Martin worked with Avril Lavigne on two songs, "Alone" and "I Will Be", which were released on some deluxe editions of Lavigne's third studio album The Best Damn Thing (2007). Martin also worked on four songs for Lavigne's fourth studio album Goodbye Lullaby (2011): the three singles "What the Hell" (2011), "Smile" (2011), and "Wish You Were Here" (2011), and the album track "I Love You".

Jessie J

Max Martin first worked with Jessie J on her international hit "Domino",[40] which achieved top ten success in countries including Canada and Australia. Following the success of "Domino", Martin co-produced "Bang Bang" (2014) for Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj.

Katy Perry

Max Martin is also responsible for some of the songs of Katy Perry on four albums: On her debut album One of the Boys (2008), including the number-one single "I Kissed a Girl", and top 5 hit single "Hot n Cold", and following-up album Teenage Dream (2010), including the Billboard Hot 100 numbers-one hit singles "California Gurls" (2010), "Teenage Dream" (2010), "E.T." (2011),"Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" (2011) and the Hot 100 top ten hit "The One That Got Away" (2011). Martin also co-wrote the songs "Part of Me" (2012) and "Wide Awake" (2012), the former of which topped the Billboard Hot 100. For her third album Prism (2013), he co-wrote the No. 1 singles "Roar" (2013) and "Dark Horse" (2013). On her fourth album Witness (2017), Martin co-wrote numerous songs, including the lead single "Chained to the Rhythm" which peaked at number 4.

Christina Aguilera

Confirmed by RCA Executives on 18 December 2011, Martin worked on Christina Aguilera's seventh studio album Lotus (2012) and was the producer of her lead single, "Your Body" (2012), as well as another song titled "Let There Be Love". Both songs reached the top of the Billboard dance/club chart.

Taylor Swift

Martin has collaborated with American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift on three of her albums. Their first collaboration was the Billboard Hot 100 number 1 hit "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" (2012) for her album Red (2012). Martin also co-wrote and co-produced two other singles on the album: "I Knew You Were Trouble" (2012), which peaked at number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100, and "22" (2013).

Martin also contributed to her follow-up record, 1989 (2014). He co-wrote and co-produced ten songs, including the singles "Shake It Off", "Blank Space", "Bad Blood", "Wildest Dreams", "Style", and "New Romantics".[41] The former three songs reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100.[42] Martin later worked with Swift on Reputation (2017), co-writing and co-producing eight songs, including the singles "...Ready for It?", "End Game", and "Delicate". Swift released her re-recorded albums Red (Taylor's Version) (2021) and 1989 (Taylor's Version) (2023), which Martin co-produced multiple songs from these albums in 2012 and 2014. He didn't handle the production of the re-recorded songs. He co-wrote a song called "Message in a Bottle", one of the newly added "From the Vault" tracks from Red (Taylor's Version).

Ariana Grande

Martin first worked with Ariana Grande on her second studio album My Everything (2014). Martin produced the first single, "Problem", which peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 as well as No. 1 in the UK, later becoming one of the best-selling singles worldwide. Other songs from the album Martin produced include "Break Free" (peaking at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100) and "Bang Bang" (peaking at No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 and No. 1 in the UK). Martin contributed heavily to her third studio album, Dangerous Woman (2016), most notably the singles "Dangerous Woman", "Into You", and "Side to Side", all of which peaked within the top twenty on the Billboard Hot 100. Martin also contributed to her follow-up records Sweetener (2018) and Thank U, Next (2019), co-writing the singles "No Tears Left to Cry", "God Is a Woman", and "Break Up with Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored", among other songs.

Grande released her lead single "Yes, And?" from her seventh studio album Eternal Sunshine on January 12, 2024. She wrote and produced the song with Martin and Ilya Salmanzadeh.

The Weeknd

Martin co-wrote and produced three songs from the Weeknd's sophomore album, Beauty Behind the Madness (2015), namely "Can't Feel My Face"—which peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100—"In the Night" and "Shameless". He co-wrote and produced four songs from the Weeknd's third album, Starboy (2016).[43] He contributed "Hardest to Love", "Scared to Live", "Blinding Lights", "In Your Eyes", and "Save Your Tears" to the Weeknd's fourth studio album, After Hours (2020). The latter album was both a critical and commercial success.

Martin also co-wrote and assisted in the production of "Take My Breath", released in August 2021. He also produced or co produced the majority of the songs on the Weeknd's fifth studio album Dawn FM (2022).


Martin appeared as a keyboardist on two singles from Coldplay's eighth studio album Everyday Life (2019): "Orphans" and "Champion of the World". In June 2021, Coldplay announced their ninth studio album Music of the Spheres (2021), with Martin serving as the album's producer.[44] The album received mixed reviews from critics but was a commercial success, debuting at the top of the UK Albums Chart and becoming the album with most sales in a week in the United Kingdom since Ed Sheeran's No.6 Collaborations Project (2019).[45]

Music of the Spheres (2021) included songs such as "Higher Power", "Let Somebody Go", which Selena Gomez appears on, and "My Universe", which BTS appears on. "My Universe" debuted at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, giving Martin his twenty fifth number one as a writer and twenty third number one as a producer on the chart.[46] He is tied only with George Martin for producer with most Billboard Hot 100 number ones.


Martin co-wrote "It's My Life" with fellow Songwriters Hall of Fame inductees Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora. It was released on 8 May 2000 as the lead single from Bon Jovi's seventh studio album, Crush (2000). The song was certified 2× platinum in the United States; platinum in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom; and gold in France, Japan, and the Netherlands.[47]

Fourth runner-up of the eighth season of American Idol, Allison Iraheta has collaborated with Martin on her debut album. Her first single, "Friday I'll Be Over U" was written by Martin.[48] On 17 August 2009, American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert announced via Twitter that he was in New York City with Martin recording a song for his debut album. It turned out to be the song "Whataya Want From Me",[49] that was also written by P!nk.

Martin also co-wrote "Into the Nightlife", a popular club track recorded by Cyndi Lauper in 2008 and produced, alongside Zedd, and co-wrote "Beauty and a Beat", on Justin Bieber's 2012 album Believe.

Martin also produced several albums for Eurodance act E-type.

In 2005, Max Martin wrote the first single-song for pop punk duo The Veronicas, "4ever", with Lukasz "Dr. Luke" Gottwald for their debut studio album The Secret Life Of... (2005). Also he wrote "Everything I'm Not", the second single-song of The Veronicas, the same year, again with Gottwald, Rami, Jessica Origliasso and Lisa Origliasso for the same album The Secret Life Of....

In January 2014, Martin produced a two-minute advertisement entitled "Volvo XC70: Made By Sweden",[50] featuring soccer player Zlatan Ibrahimović. The video of the advertisement received several million views on YouTube.

2008 saw him collaborate with Daughtry (band) for one of their singles from their 2006 debut album Daughtry (album): their 2008 single Feels Like Tonight written with Dr. Luke.

In early 2014, Martin co-wrote the song "Dare (La La La)" for Shakira's self-titled album.

In April–May 2014, Martin produced Jennifer Lopez's song "First Love", alongside Ilya, Shellback and Savan Kotecha.

Between 2014 and 2015, Martin executive-produced "Ghost Town" by Adam Lambert.

In January 2015, he co-wrote and co-produced Ellie Goulding's "Love Me like You Do", which reached number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100,[51] while also producing several songs from her album Delirium including the hit single "On My Mind", which was released on 17 September 2015.

In July 2015, Martin produced Demi Lovato's song "Cool for the Summer" which reached number 11 on the Billboard Hot 100. He also contributed to "Confident" and "For You" from their fifth studio album Confident.

Martin also worked with Selena Gomez on her second studio album, Revival, producing its third single "Hands to Myself" which became her third consecutive top 10 hit from the album.

In November 2015, Adele's album 25 was released and Martin co-wrote and co-produced the record's third single "Send My Love (To Your New Lover)" with Shellback, and would eventually become a top 10 hit in the US and the UK.

2016 saw Martin being heavily involved in the making of Ariana Grande's third album Dangerous Woman, with half of its songs (including both singles) being produced by him. The same year, he produced the 10th track for Nick Jonas' third studio album, while also co-producing standalone songs for American singers Pink ("Just Like Fire") and Katy Perry ("Rise").

In 2016, he co-wrote the song "Can't Stop the Feeling!" by Justin Timberlake which is also the title song for the film Trolls with Shellback. The song became Timberlake's fifth and Martin's twenty-second number-one hit in the US.[52] It reached the top spot in 16 other countries. The song gave Timberlake and Martin their first nomination for an Academy Award for Best Original Song.

In 2019, Martin co-produced and co-wrote Ed Sheeran's and Justin Bieber's hit single "I Don't Care".[53]

In 2020, Martin co-produced and co-wrote "Stupid Love", the first single from Lady Gaga's sixth studio album Chromatica. This marks the first time the two have worked together.[54]

In 2021, Martin co-wrote and co-produced "Can I Get It" by Adele from her fourth studio album 30.

In 2022, Martin co-produced and co-wrote Måneskin's single "Supermodel".[55] He also co-produced and co-wrote Lizzo's song "2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)", from her fourth studio album, Special.[56]

In 2023, Martin co-wrote and co-produced Conan Gray's singles "Never Ending Song" and "Killing Me". He also co-wrote and co-produced Ed Sheeran's single "Eyes Closed" from his fifth studio album, .



When accepting the Polar Music Prize, Martin highlighted ABBA, Kiss, Prince and Lasse Holm as inspirations.[57]

Creative process

The traditional division of work in the record industry often has the artist or songwriter writing the songs and then hiring a producer to help shape the sound. But at Cheiron, it was the other way around; the producers wrote the songs, played the instruments, and engineered and mixed the recordings, and the artist was only brought in near the end of the process to do the vocals. For example, on Britney Spears's second album Oops!… I Did It Again (2000), Cheiron had already written seven songs and had proceeded to record the layers of music before Britney even arrived at the studios in early November 1999. It took her only one week to do the vocals. Martin and his team worked more like a band that alternated singers. Martin explained his working method:

I want to be part of every note, every single moment going on in the studio. I want nothing forgotten, I want nothing missed. I'm a perfectionist. The producer should decide what kind of music is being made, what it's going to sound like–all of it, the why, when and how.[58]LA Times, 6/05/00

Impact and legacy

Martin's influence on the music field is also seen in the effect he has had on co-producers. The music site Stereogum singles out three people as his "disciples", Savan Kotecha, Dr. Luke, and Shellback.[59] Time magazine reported that "There's a cluster of high-powered songwriters who are based in Sweden, and the grandmaster is Max Martin and that when Kotecha worked with One Direction he credited Martin's influence 'We work melody first. That's Max Martin's school. We'll spend days, sometimes weeks, challenging the melody. The goal is to make it sound like anyone can do this, but it's actually very difficult. In Sweden, you don't do anything until you do it right.'"[60] The New Yorker reported that Martin was Dr. Luke's "Swedish mentor and frequent collaborator. If Luke is the Skywalker of pop songcraft, Max is the Obi-Wan: the reclusive master. ...The vital spark in the musical emergence of Dr. Luke was meeting Max Martin".[61] Dr. Luke himself says of the chemistry between him and Martin "'It happened really fast. It was magical. …[Martin taught me that] Instead of making tracks for five thousand people, why not make tracks for a million?'"[61] The magazine for Sweden's collection society STIM reported that Shellback became an "apprentice" with Martin acting as "his mentor" at Maratone Studios after 2006 when "Max Martin saw something special in the young man from Karlshamn. Judging by the incredible success Shellback has had since, Martin's A&R skills are some of the best in the music business".[62]

Martin's song catalog was used in the stage musical & Juliet, which opened on the West End in 2019.[63][64]

Personal life

Martin met his wife, Jenny (née Petersson) from Mörrum, around 2000 and they married in 2011.[65] The couple have a daughter, born around 2001.[66][67]

Martin lives in Los Angeles and in Stockholm.

Songwriting and production

Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles

Since 1998, Martin has written or co-written 26 Billboard Hot 100 number-one hit songs (most of which he has also produced or co-produced). Seven of these songs debuted at number one on the chart.[68]

  1. 1998 – "...Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears
  2. 2000 – "It's Gonna Be Me" by NSYNC
  3. 2008 – "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry
  4. 2008 – "So What" by Pink
  5. 2009 – "My Life Would Suck Without You" by Kelly Clarkson
  6. 2009 – "3" by Britney Spears
  7. 2010 – "California Gurls" by Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg
  8. 2010 – "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry
  9. 2010 – "Raise Your Glass" by Pink
  10. 2011 – "Hold It Against Me" by Britney Spears
  11. 2011 – "E.T." by Katy Perry featuring Kanye West
  12. 2011 – "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" by Katy Perry
  13. 2012 – "Part of Me" by Katy Perry
  14. 2012 – "One More Night" by Maroon 5
  15. 2012 – "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" by Taylor Swift
  16. 2013 – "Roar" by Katy Perry
  17. 2013 – "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry featuring Juicy J
  18. 2014 – "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift
  19. 2014 – "Blank Space" by Taylor Swift
  20. 2015 – "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift
  21. 2015 – "Can't Feel My Face" by The Weeknd
  22. 2016 – "Can't Stop the Feeling!" by Justin Timberlake
  23. 2019 – "Blinding Lights" by The Weeknd
  24. 2021 – "Save Your Tears" by The Weeknd and Ariana Grande
  25. 2021 – "My Universe" by Coldplay and BTS
  26. 2024 – "Yes, And?" by Ariana Grande

Awards and nominations

Academy Awards

Year Nominee / work Award Result
2017 "Can't Stop the Feeling!" Best Original Song Nominated

ASCAP Pop Music Awards

Year Award Result
1999 Songwriter of the Year Won
2000 Won
2001 Won
2011 Won
2012 Won
2013 Won
2014 Won
2015 Won
2016 Won
2017 Won
2018 Won

Golden Globe Awards

Year Nominee / work Award Result
2016 "Love Me Like You Do" Best Original Song Nominated
2017 "Can't Stop the Feeling!" Nominated

Grammy Awards

Year Nominee / work Award Result Ref.
2000 "I Want It That Way" Record of the Year Nominated [69]
Song of the Year Nominated
Millennium Album of the Year Nominated
2011 Teenage Dream Nominated
2013 "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" Record of the Year Nominated
2014 Red Album of the Year Nominated
"Roar" Song of the Year Nominated
2015 "Shake It Off" Record of the Year Nominated
Song of the Year Nominated
Self Producer of the Year, Non-Classical Won
2016 "Can't Feel My Face" Record of the Year Nominated
"Blank Space" Nominated
Song of the Year Nominated
Beauty Behind the Madness Album of the Year Nominated
1989 Won
Best Pop Vocal Album Won
"Love Me like You Do" Best Song Written for Visual Media Nominated
2017 "Can't Stop the Feeling!" Won
"Just like Fire" Nominated
25 Album of the Year Won
Self Producer of the Year, Non-Classical Nominated
2020 Thank U, Next Album of the Year Nominated
2023 30 Nominated
Special Nominated
Music of the Spheres Nominated

Polar Music Prize

Year Nominee / work Award Result Ref.
2016 Self Polar Music Prize Honoree

Primetime Emmy Awards

Year Nominee / work Award Result Ref.
2023 "So Long, Farewell / Song Title: A Beautiful Game" (from Ted Lasso) Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics Won [70]

Tony Awards

Year Nominee / work Award Result
2023 & Juliet Best Musical Nominated

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